Hug It Out

Also: Let’s hug it out

Meaning of Idiom ‘Hug It Out’

To hug it out means to end an argument or disagreement and soothe any negative or hurt feelings with a hug.

Usage Notes

“Let’s hug it out” means “let’s end our argument.”

Here is a typical scenario in which the idiom ‘hug it out’ would be used:

Two male friends have an argument and are now not talking to each other. Noticing their anger and resentment, their other friend, urges them to end their argument rather than risk their friendship. “You guys have been friends for years. I hate to see you fighting like this. C’mon, just hug it out and forget about it!”

Examples Of Use

“Let’s hug it out. I don’t even remember what we were fighting about.”

“We had a disagreement but it’s okay now. We were able to hug it out.”

“Just hug it out and move on. Life is too short to argue with your friends.”


It is not clear exactly when this idiom came into use although it is a very new idiom, probably from the early 1990s. The phrase was used by Chandler and Rachael on the TV show Friends during the 1990s. It was also used by the character Ari on the TV series Entourage.

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