Open a Can Of Whoop-Ass


Open a can of whup-ass
Bust open a can of whoop-ass
Open a can of whip-ass

Open a Can of Whoop-Ass Meaning

To whip (someone’s) ass is to punish them or hurt them either physically or verbally or, more often, to beat someone up. Open a can of whoop-ass is a variation of the same idiom. 1Pare, May. Body Idioms and More: For Learners of English. United States?: Mayuree Pare, 2005.,2Dolgopolov, Yuri. A Dictionary of Confusable Phrases: More than 10,000 Idioms and Collocations. McFarland, 2010.

Whoop is a dialectical version of whip, used only in this and similar expressions. It may also be said that someone is going to get an ass-whipping or ass-whooping. This particular idiom is meant to be humorous since it is comical to imagine a can full of ‘ass-whipping.’

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Notes On Use

Opening a can of whoop-ass is often used as a threat. On you may be added to the end, as if one is going to open up the “can of whoop-ass” and the whoop-ass is going to pour all over the intended recipient.

Sentence Examples

“You mess with my brother again and I’ll open a can of whoop-ass on you.”

“What are you doing sitting on my car?” yelled Dirk. “You better get off or I’ll bust open a can of whoop-ass!”

“They call me the can-opener,” said Dad, while preparing to play a video game with Josh. “Why?” said Josh? “Because I open cans of whoop-ass.” “Very funny,” said Josh, not laughing.

“All I know is this, Jimmy: Next Friday, August 29, at the Baton Rouge Exposition Center, I’m gonna open a can of whoop-ass on Herculon, and I’m gonna drive him back into whatever galaxy it is he came from.” — The Waterboy (1998)

“If you and the Colonel are ever caught in a fight, my money’s on the Colonel. He’d open a can of whoop ass with his, uh… with his good arm.” — Murder Mystery 2 (2023)

“I would watch your step. Because the Michael Scott paper company is about to open A big old can of whoop-Ass on Dunder Mifflin.” — The Office: Dream Team (2009)


A favorite catch-phrase of professional wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin, this phrase has been in use since at least the 1970s. Its exact origin is unknown, although theories abound. See a discussion on Straight Dope message board.

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